About Tabularity


What is Tabularity

Tabularity is a flat-text database manager with a visual user interface.

It is a tool for managing information, designed be a cooperative component within a larger web-based app environment.

The name, Tabularity, comes from combining two words - Tabular and Clarity and essentially means "creating clarity by organising data into tables".

Why Tabularity was created

We live in the "information age", which involves accumulating masses of data on a daily basis. The more data we hold, the more essential it becomes to organise that information in a way that is accessible and usable.

Tabularity provides the following solution - organisation and presentation of data in a way that is most relevant for a given situation.

With Tabularity, the end user has the ultimate control - how their information is accumulated, accessed and stored. Knowing exactly what the app is doing with their data gives people confidence in using the software and in the company that provides it.

Tabularity framework components

1) Database engine - functions that manage the database

2) App layer - modifiable source code that controls how the data is stored and viewed by user

3) User data - single table of data that user can view and modify directly

Universal user interface

Looking closely at the majority of user interfaces in software, we see a similar structure:

The reason why we see this so often is because this is how human mind works. We have our own mental database where information is entered and retrieved through associations and this is also how Tabularity is structured.

Exploring a deeper meaning

This is where we get a bit metaphysical - merging the subjects of science and spirituality. Bear with us!...

Tabularity is based on the idea that any individual object in existence can be expressed as a single table of data. It can be as simple as having a few coordinates for a vector drawing, or expanding to thousands of entries to represent atoms within a grain of sand. This understanding can create a profound shift in a person's awareness of the world around them. Seeing things from a source level gives us greater power to change them. In essence, we become the programmers of our own reality.


Tabularity adopts the "Perfectable" mindset - it's an understanding that everything is changeable and can be improved, so there's no point in waiting till things are perfect! We are creating technologies that enable people to fearlessly move towards their preferred experience.


Is this page perfect?.. No, but it is perfectable :)